Saturday, April 7, 2012

salam...wah dah lama sgt aku tak update kat blog aku..hhehehe sorry for those yg waiting for it...sibuk sket lah u guys since naik pangkat tu KETUA SUKSIS UiTM..huhu alhamdulillah mereka memberikan kepercayaan kepada aku but then its hard cuz i've to define and well manage the time..cewah..sorry if i make u guys annoy with the English..have to since life is a race and the world arround us getting tougher... huhu ok apa ye nak cite?
hhmmmmm lately im busy with the placement for my internship..alhamdulillah i get it..nearest to my newly home- Bandar Tasek Selatan...(huhu x pernah plak aku dgr lagu cinta di bandar tasik selatan even org kata ada...) huhuhu..ismail adam & co...hope fully ble balaja byk dalam dunia audit...

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